Navigating Medicare and Medicaid can be daunting for consumers AND professionals. 

Avisery is here to help.

Guide smart decision-making

It’s no secret that Medicare and Medicaid are complex and confusing – and that uninformed decision-making and inappropriate planning can have costly consequences, for both consumers and providers.

Whether you’re a hospital, healthcare organization, managed care provider, health insurer, financial advisor or any professional working with Medicare beneficiaries, you can count on Avisery by AgeOptions for the knowledge you and your staff need to guide your patients, members and clients wisely and confidently.

The Avisery Advantage

  • Convenient in-person trainings, workshops and presentations
  • Local expertise, comprehensive knowledge, helpful go-to resources
  • Trusted, unbiased resource on Medicare, Medicaid and healthcare plans

Choose the programs that best meet your needs

Counselor Training

Full-day training for professionals counseling clients about their Medicare options.


Half-day workshops to educate professionals on the basics of Medicare.


90-minute on-site presentations on a variety of Medicare and Medicaid topics.

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